I had signed up for it early as it tends to sell out, but was left in a quandary after ITB issues during Pala Duro Canyon 50 mile race. My knee was doing well, so I opted to only run the 30K in lieu of the 50K. At the start, the Race Director, Tom Crull, confirmed that the race was not sanctioned by any organization, this was a trail race and the 30K was 20 miles. By the way Scott Eppleman, 100 miler phenom elite, won the 50K..man, he is fast.
Let me take this moment to say that the The North Texas Trail Runners put on a great event. The "Veterans' Day Race" honoring all veterans commences with Major General Gossell, from my beloved Marine Corps, kicking off the start of the race. I had the honor of talking with him before the race and come to find out he was in my chain of command when 4th Battalion, 23rd Marines were called up for Desert Storm. Small world isn't it. His beloved wife confirmed that Generals do put on their pants the same way Corporals do, one leg at a time.
The race started at 8 bells under absolutely perfect conditions...45 F topping out at about 68 F...and most important...DRY! I took it slow and fell into a good rhythm, conversing with the runners and cutting up. Everything feeling good and absolutely having a ball. At about 9 miles, a mile out from the turn around, my calfs begin to cramp. I was well hydrated and on top of my electrolytes. I have been hammering my legs pretty good with weights and some brutal spin class so I attributed the cramping to that. I felt pretty good the entire race except for the cramping which got progressive worse. Despite the calf's having to be stretched out occasionally, I was able to keep running. On the way back, I took a page from Rick Gaston's book and determined to drop some runners hanging with me. Not that I was setting any records, but it was fun to see if I could catch and drop some 30K runners. As far as the ITB, no indication of issues till about mile 17 and they were mild. I slowed down on the down hills and believed I escaped any extended injury.
I had more fun at this race than I can remember in a long long time. Trail Runners are some of the best people. My wife and three hoodlums made it out, accompanied by my Brother-In-Law and the pictures below show them crossing the finish line with me. Additionally they awarded every finisher with a handmade ceramic medallion. (see above photo.) These are so cool as it epitomizes trail running. No flash, just hard work, fun, suffering, and great camaraderie.
Came home, showered, ate, and took Luke to a Birthday Party and then went on a date with my Wife....Where did the time go....OH, Good times I tell ya!
Photo Courtesy of Mike Langille
Coming up the steps to the finish with Luke and Macy...yeah there are lot of steps!
At the Finish. Notice Hope pushing from the back.
Post Race Family Picture
Hope already being sponsored by Saucony. The Saucony Rep knows talent when she sees it!
Macy and Marshall (her Uncle) cutting up
Best Support Crew Possible!
GREAT JOB!! Cute pics too! The kiddies are adorable!
Cool finishers medallion! I always like the handmade ones.
YAY!!! Congrats on the race and awesome support crew you have there too! I can't believe this is at Grapevine Lake! Wow....never knew.
Stretch those calves - see you, BrenE and the rest of the crew next month!
Job well done Dave. Keep doing what you're doing & you will earn that belt buckle. Once a Marine always a Marine. Happy Birthday & Semper Fi
There's a name I haven't heard in a while. I've met Tom Krull, back in 2005 at the Cascade Crest 100. He was there at my finish and said my time there would be fast enough to get me a sub-24 hour at Western States. He would have been right if it wasn't for the blisters.
Good job on dropping the runners, dare people to follow you at your pace, have a little fun and put the hammer down. Finishing strong is always a good feeling. So the IT band has pretty much cleared up, that's a faster recovery than I imagined. It was a very good decision to do the 30k, you were able to race it strong and finish before it got really sore again.
Happy Veterans day Dave. By the way that shirt stayed white. If it was me there'd be gel and energy drink stains all over it all ready.
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