Taking my turn on the front |
Leave Nothing…empty the tank out…bring everything you
have…monitor all systems…and in the end…you will know that there was nothing
else to give. That’s kind of how I race…how I train…how I live…and
sometimes it bites you in the butt. Just
ask Jackie Henson or Jim Craig…my first Hotter N Hell 100 miler…where I went
out so fast that that I suffered like an animal the last 40 miles…and it cost
me so much time…just to finish. There is
that balance…and knowing how much is left…and how far you have to go…and now as
the older I get…the level in the tank seems to change…
Last year was the first year we rode Beauty and Beast…67
miles of rolling hills in East Texas…then at mile 62…the BEAST…a hill that
literally takes something special…and Last year, I rode hard…but rode fairly
conservatively…finished well…just over the 4 hour mark…and rather pain
free. But this year I had a goal…3hrs
45min. So at 9:00 AM, Michael, Amber, and I toe the line. We had
trained hard…Had worked on leg strength…lots of heavy weights with lots of
reps…I had gotten my cardio up well…hours on top of hours of the trainer…my
last outside ride was last Sunday with Legacy…and cooking off 25 miles…most
around 23 mph…and I felt great. Saturday
East Texas weather was far from perfect…temps at start were 50 degrees…with
rain and chance of thunderstorms…and the wind…well, the wind had picked up
too. I mentioned that I tend to start
out fast…too fast. Amber and I had talked…she
was to hold me back…for the first 10 miles…let her do the work…tuck in
behind…get in the rhythm. Michael’s
intention was to finish as last year he was in a big crash at mile 2. He was to ride his race.
As to plan…for the first 10 miles…hill after hill…Amber and
I hammer it out…then at mile 10…on a climb…I get with 6 other guys….we were
off…into a pace line…up and down…climbing well…each taking a turn on the
front…on the few intermittent flats…we are cruising 21-23 mph…my heart rate is
in check…onward…hill after hill…and as we go on…I notice that the pace line is
getting shorter…at mile 20 we were down to 5…mile 25…down to 4…mile
30…well…only 2 of us left…a guy named Todd…and me…there wasn’t enough fat on
Todd to make gravy…and he could climb...he was a stronger rider…and at mile
40…he was on his own…I couldn’t stay up.
Pre Race... |
Five in a Pace Line...my turn in the back |
And then there were 3...Climbing...Me, Todd to the right...unknown in black |
Don "The Sherpa" …a friend of ours was in his car…monitoring
Amber’s and my progress…at mile 54 rest stop… he pulls up and says you are
riding like crazy…keep it up. I asked if
he knew of Michael and Amber…he replied he didn’t know about Michael but Amber
is about 18 minutes behind. I knew I was
flirting with that ragged edge…I was feeling cramping in my quads, sartorius,
abductors, and the hamstrings…all the muscles crucial in powering a
bicycle. I hadn’t stayed on top of my
electorolytes…with the cool temps I probably hadn’t hydrated like I should
although I was monitoring water intake…I really probably should have
supplemented with S! Caps…but I hadn’t…and now I was taking in potassium in
banana form…but every endurance guy will tell you…when it gets to this
point…it’s too late. I was just hoping
to hang on for another 13 miles…that’s all…30 to 45 minutes…and I was about 7
minutes ahead of goal....just hang on…hang on…will the body.
The brain fires a signal to the neurons for the muscle to
contract…to work…The action potential propagates by activating voltage-gated
sodium channels along the axon toward the neuromuscular junction. When it
reaches the junction, it causes a calcium ion influx through voltage-gated
calcium channels. Calcium, Sodium and Potassium ions begin the reaction…through
a biochemical process the muscle fiber membrane becomes less
negative…triggering an action potential on the cellular level. If those ions
get dangerously low…if there is not electrical potential between the muscle
fibers...then the muscles will not work…regardless of how many times the brain
demands that they function.
At mile 57…on a small climb…I am out of the saddle…if I
sit…my hamstrings go into a cramp…if I stand…my quads contract…and now the
cramping was to the point where the legs literally seized up…the pain is
excruciating…I am off the bike…sitting …legs out straight…the quads SCREAM…I
bend my leg slightly for relief on the quad…and the hamstring locks…then the
abductors…the sartorius…I am helpless…I have been watching my time…10 miles
left…if I can just get back on the bike…I can still push and make the goal…the
athletes mind is clouded…the reasoning unreal…and after ten minutes…I get back
on the bike…things seem slightly better…
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Michael...before the suffering |
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Funny Pic of Amber - failure to control speed, taken and captioned by Don "the Sherpa" |
I am back…proceeding with caution…and still pushing like
demons are close at hand…at mile 61.5…right before you climb the beast…there is
a small steep hill…I am climbing…preparing mentally for what is at hand…and the
legs seize…the pain is unreal…my mind tells…no demands that the legs operate…there
are no sodium ions left…nothing…I fall off my bike…on the side of the road…and
I try to get relief…there is none. An
older gentleman had seen both of my cramping incidents…and he responds, “you
are done…you have nothing left.” I
refuse…but I can’t even get off the ground…for 5 minutes…I try to will myself
to even get up with out the cramping. I
have cramped before…during long brutal races…on the bike…on the run…but this
had taken the cake. I am laying on the
ground…I see Don pull up in his black VW…I see Amber riding…her red jacket…she
gets off the bike…Don starts to run…and then a pick up truck pulls up. Mentally I am telling myself only 5 miles
left, but I can’t even get up. For 3
hours 20 minutes I had ridden like the Devil’s Own was in pursuit of my
soul. Amber and Don pick me up…I mutter
about give me a minute…let me get back on the road…and Amber whispers, “no…it’s
over.” They get me in the truck…somebody
puts my bike in the back…I have no idea who this is. The man had been following a couple of
friends in the race. He looks over and
says, “I have been seeing you all day…I reckon you were in the top ten.” (Top
ten…of the non elites) “And that gal that stopped…she can ride too…I bet she
may be the top female.” This gives no
comfort…top ten doesn’t count unless you finish.
I get back to the start…Don helps me rack my bike…I can
hardly walk with cramping…I start the recovery process…salt…water…salt. Amber makes it in…incredible ride…around 4
hours….in rain…wind…cold. We eat…converse...and
wait…Michael finishes his race. Amber
looks over at me…and knows what is going on in my head…”Dave…you rode
incredible…fast...you just have a few hydration/electrolyte issues of figure
out.” She knows this will eat at me
FOREVER….to ride that well…only to have one mistake take you out. I used to have this dialed in…but it seems
that it has changed a bit.
It eats at me…the only solace I take…is that I LEFT
p.s. The most amazing
thing I saw all day…is Michael, who self mandates the most strict diet,
actually celebrated his race finish with a hot dog. I myself…not only had a hot dog…but a bowl of
ice cream when I got home.
(all pics save the last one courtesy of Don "The Sherpa")
(all pics save the last one courtesy of Don "The Sherpa")
You are awesome
You are a beast! And yes, you need to listen to Amber. You have no reserves as thin/lean as you are so you need to stay way ahead of the electrolytes... espcially as it gets warmer. I know you know that, but now you really know. Great job of kicking the butts for the first part of it. You're an animal!
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